Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Things I have been doing....

The month of January was odd around these parts. Perhaps you have heard of the buckets of snow that have been heaped upon New England? It has made for a lot of together time that I had not planned for, and that threw my schedule all out of whack. I am still working on that cranberry muffin recipe, as in working on finding the time to fit it in to my schedule. In the meantime, I have been doing a couple of other things. One I posted about a few days ago, the Gluten Free recipe contest at Everyday Health. I thank whomever commented/voted, and guide you to the list of the three finalists. Sadly, I was not one of them. Oh, well. Another day, right?

In the mean time, I had a craving for cookies. None of my stand-by's were really catching my fancy so I turned to my new cookie cook book, The Great American Cookie Cookbook. These are my variation on the Oatmeal Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies found on page 20. They were exactly what I was looking for in a yummy, crunchy, chocolaty snack. I really have been enjoying this cookbook, and highly recommend it. Not gluten or allergen free, but it has a lot of great recipes that are easily adaptable.

My substitutions and additions:

Butter for shortening
Better Batter flour for All-purpose flour (1:1)
1 Tablespoon cocoa powder (this is my addition)

What else have I been doing? I volunteered to be a recipe tester for Ricki Heller's, of Diet, Dessert and Dogs, new e-book. I waited to long to respond to the call, and was put on her waiting list. Got my call up this past week, and made the first recipe on Tuesday night for Wednesday breakfast. The monkey had two helpings at breakfast, asked for it again today, and then was trying to convince his Auma to share the piece I had sent for her to try during snack time at school. I think it is a hit. I can't share the recipe, nor any others I try for the book, but I can share photos. So here is the Apple Pancake served up in the last photo with some home made fried potatoes. Enjoy!

What were you doing in January? What plans do you have for February? (more to come from me on the latter)


  1. Your pancake looks fabulous! I am so glad everyone enjoyed it. And thanks for testing :D

    We had a whack of snow, too. Grrr. But spring is only about a month away, now. . . !!

  2. That looks so good Brooke! I'll be excited to see the ecookbook when it comes out. I hope your coast unthaws soon!

  3. I love the pictures of all your dishes. I've been baking a lot more recently, but my pictures always turn out just okay. Yours always turn out lovely.

  4. It was very tasty, and will be making an appearance again soon. :)

    Lex~I take about 20 shots to get one really good one. :)
